The Sinking of the R.M.S. Leinster

People on board

Joseph Leo Hogan

HOGAN, Joseph Leo

Born in New York in October 1890, Joseph Leo was the eldest son of Thomas and Mary Hogan of 128 South Street, Mechanicville, New York. His father, Thomas, was a House Painter. Joseph had a younger brother and 3 older sisters. Although born in New York both his parents had Irish born parents. Joseph enlisted in the U.S. Navy at Albany, New York on 15th December 1917. After serving at the Naval Air Station in Wisconsin he was transferred to Ireland in February 1918 arriving at the United States Naval Base at Aghada, Co. Cork. He was later stationed at Whiddy Island, Bantry Bay, Co. Cork as Quartermaster, 2nd Class. He was probably travelling on leave with some of his colleagues on the RMS Leinster on 10th October 1918 and was lost in the sinking. His body was not recovered. He is commemorated in Brookwood American Cemetery in Surrey, England.



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